Policy Updates

The following are important updates that may affect you and the families you serve.

Toddler and Preschool payment rates will increase effective 08-01-2024 for licensed CENTERS. See rate notice and rate chart below:

Rate Notice Aug 1 2024             Rate Chart Eff Aug 1 2024

Copayments are set to resume 08-01-2024. See provider notices in English & Spanish:

Copay letter PROVIDERS 08-01-24          Copay PROVIDER letter Spanish 08-01-24

New Notices regarding Provider Health and Safety Training Requirements were issued March 2024. Click on notices below:
Updated Health and Safety Training Notice 03-2024
Aviso de Exigencias Actualizadas de Capacitaciones en Salud y Seguridad -Marzo 2024
Special Care Policy GuideEnglish Special Care Policy Guide -English
Guía de Políticas de Cuidados Especiales
New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program Emergency Procedures   Provider Notification Letter
License designation approving up to five children under age 2 1/2 (click here)
New First Aid and CPR Policy & Procedures for Family Childcare Providers and Approved Home Providers effective Nov. 2022  First Aid & CPR Procedures
Some Childcare Assistance policies have returned to Pre-COVID practices effective 05/01/22.  Read a summary here  SUMMARY Return to Normal Policies
Childcare Attendance and Enrollment Study — Read notice to providers here — Attendance & Enrollment Study – Provider Notice
The COVID 19 supplemental/differential monthly payment has been extended through December 2023 — Differential payment MUST be used to offset additional costs to families — Read notice– Differential Payment Provider Notice 2022-2023
**The acknowledgement form that MUST be signed to continue to receive this differential payment can be found here — Differential Acknlowledgement Form 2022-2023
Rate increase for CENTERS and COPAY WAIVER effective Nov. 1st, 2021 — read detailed letter here – Rate increase & copay PROVIDER letter Nov 2021
Copayment reduction for some families eff. May 01, 2021 — Read notice — Copay Reduction 05-01-2021 PROVIDER letter
Enrollment-based payment extended through June 30, 2024 –– Read notice — Provider Notice to Extend Enrollment Based Subsidy Payment through June 2024
See provider notice for more information regarding the COVID 19 supplemental payments-  Provider Notice 3-3-2021
Provider Notice-Extensions and supplemental payments through June 2021  – Dated 02-18-2021
Provider Notice-School age extension Feb 2021 – Dated 01-28-2021
Provider Notice Child Care Extensions – Dated 12-28-2020
School age extension letter to providers  – Dated 12-22-2020
Covid 19 Supplemental Payment Letter – December 2020
Childcare Standards COVID-19 – September 2020
Reimbursement-Payment Announcement COVID-19 – September 2020
Emergency and Disaster Child Care Policy – March 2020


New requirements for Summer Youth Camps accepting subsidies — Read informational flyer — 2021 Summer Camp Subsidy Requirements


IVR Interactive Voice Response Information for PROVIDERS and PARENTS
Click on the following packet for information regarding calling in childcare attendance using a telephone (IVR) system. Packet includes an  FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page and a parent CONTACT FORM to ensure the NJCK department has the most recent/accurate phone numbers for parents:
IVR Information PACKET  –  Effective January 2021
*Please Note: Use of the IVR system has been postponed until further notice. Providers will continue to receive automatic payment based on enrollment through June 30, 2021.


Criminal Background Checks – Providers
Changes for Licensed and Registered Providers
New Requirements for Approved Home Providers
Suspension and Expulsion of Children from Early Childhood Programs
Special Care Policy
Families Experiencing Homelessness
For more information contact:
Yvonne Garlin, Quality Assurance and Policy Supervisor
(201) 451-8888 ext. 145 / ygarlin@ulohc.org