Life Skills Program
Donate NowThe Life Skills Program provides adolescents between the ages of 14 and 21 with the training necessary for their successful transition from placement to independence. Our Life Skills training focuses on employment, money management, community resources, communication, decision making, housing, and education.
Life Skills Program clients must be referred to the Urban League by DCP&P (formerly DYFS). Adolescents must be in a DCP&P-paid placement on their 14th birthday to be eligible for this program.
If you, or someone you know, are in or aging out of the foster care system please contact Maria Rosado (mrasado@ulohc.org) to discuss your eligibility for our Life Skills Program.
MORE INFORMATION:Please contact Maria Rosado, BS,FSW (mrasdo@ulohc.org) Urban League of Hudson County 201-451-8888 ext. 247 or Elaine Dawson, (edawson@ulohc.org) 201-451-8888 ext 240 to discuss your eligibility for this program. |