Grow NJ Kids FCC
Grow NJ Kids Family Child Care
Quality Improvement Race To the Top
Grow NJ Kids is a state-sponsored initiative to raise the quality of child care and early learning throughout New Jersey. Grow NJ Kids gives child care and early learning programs resources to assess and improve their programs, while providing parents with information that allows them to evaluate the quality of programs and make the best choices for their child. The goal is to create a system that encourages ongoing improvement. Grow NJ Kids is part of a national effort. More than 40 other states are at some stage of launching their effort to improve quality. All types of programs can participate in Grow NJ Kids – a child care center, a school- or center-based preschool program, a Head Start program, as well as a registered family child care provider, who cares for children in his/her home.
How Grow NJ Kids works
To create a standard way to look at child care and early learning, Grow NJ Kids provides families with an objective rating system. Based on the findings of a preliminary assessment that the child care and early learning program does on itself, trained professionals work with the program staff to address areas needing improvement. Currently, funding is available to pay for staff training, classroom materials and technical support. Then, a trained rater, using a comprehensive, research-based tool, formally assesses the program. A program can earn from one to five stars, giving parents an easy way to compare and make an educated decision about what is best for their child. To find a participating program or to enroll contact our Quality Improvement Specialist, Angela Esaw – 201-451-8888 ext 114
How to enroll? click here
Professional Impact NJ
What’s New With Grow NJ Kids
August 30, 2016 What’s New With Grow NJ Kids PDF
August 30, 2016 8/30/16 What’s New With Grow NJ Kids Webinar
March 30, 2016 3/30/2016 What’s New With Grow NJ Kids Webinar
Why to enroll in Grow NJ Kids?
Professional Organizations
NJ Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC)
NJ Family Child Care Association
Helpful Resources
Better kid Care
Grow NJ Kids
Grow NJ Kids Training Calendar
Office of Licensing
Strengthening Families
Build a Quality Environment–The following are links to resources that you can use to help stimulate your child’s learning and imagination.
- Learn about your child’s milestones as they grow and learn.
- Start with a book. Read. Talk. Explore.
- Everyday life is a learning experience for children. So learn on the go.
- Practice writing together with Reading Rockets.
- A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners.
- Educational activities to do with your kids.
Find a Quality Environment: Grow NJ Kids has enlisted many programs in an effort to improve the quality of child care and early learning in New Jersey. One result of that effort is a rating system to help parents find the right program that will lead to their child’s success. Grow NJ Kids uses five stars to show different levels of quality.
Searching for Child Care checklist English
Searching for Child Care checklist Spanish