Lois Carter
25 Years of Service
Lead Trainer & Family Day Care
Ms. Lois Carter began working for the Urban League of Hudson County in July of 1997. A 47-year veteran in the field of Early Childhood Education, Ms. Carter has served the Urban League of Hudson County in the capacity of Lead Trainer and Instructor for the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential for the past 25 years.
Ms. Carter’s education credentials and certifications are vast. She received her master’s degree in Early Childhood Education at New Jersey City University, where she was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, an academic honor society. In addition, Ms. Carter holds a bachelor’s degree from Upsala College, Certification as a Specialist in Infant Toddler Training from the Infant & Toddler Care Training Institute, a certification in Zero to Three: Growing Brains as a trainer and Honorary Services Awards from the Child Abuse and Prevention Center and the Jersey City Board of Education.