Healthcare Enrollment

Quality, affordable health insurance options are available in New Jersey.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) helps uninsured and eligible people in New Jersey gain access to quality, affordable healthcare. Visit Get Covered New Jersey to learn more.

Urban League of Hudson County’s Healthcare Navigator Program provides trained navigators to assist Hudson County residents in obtaining health coverage.


NEED APPLICATION ASSISTANCE? One of our Certified Application Counselors can work with you to answer your questions and guide you through the application process.

To schedule an appointment or speak with a trained Healthcare Navigator

Call:    201-451-8888 ext 196 or 135


Chat: Facebook Messenger @UrbanLeagueHCnj Google hangout @NJInsured

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM





  1. 1. during OPEN ENROLLMENT (starts Nov 1, 2020);
  2. within 60 days of a QUALIFYING LIFE EVENT; or
  3. any time of year, if you qualify for NJ FAMILY CARE








2020 Open Enrollment is scheduled to begin November 1, 2020. Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace or Cuidado De Salud for more information on Open Enrollment.

Already covered? Congratulations, you have joined millions of Americans in getting quality, affordable health coverage.  Learn how to use your new health insurance.


  1. You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period by applying within 60 days of a QUALIFYING LIFE EVENT: (such as)


  • Getting married
  • Having a baby or adopting a child
  • Moving to a different area
  • Experiencing a error
  • A loss of coverage due to divorce, death in family
  • 26 years old losing parents coverage
  • Changes to your income or employment status*
  • Changes in your immigration status
  • Leaving incarceration
  • Gaining status as member of an Indian tribe


*Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information: If you have lost employer coverage or income, you may be able to enroll in coverage now through a Special Enrollment Period. Make sure you check with your employer or current health plan first about any options they are providing related to COVID-19 before you sign up for new coverage. Free or low cost coverage is also available through NJ FamilyCare for those who qualify.


Visit  GetCoveredNJ to learn more and see if you qualify for financial help to lower the cost of your plan.


NEED APPLICATION ASSISTANCE? One of our Certified Application Counselors can work with you to answer your questions and guide you through the application process.

To schedule an appointment or speak with a trained Healthcare Navigator

Call:    201-451-8888 ext 196 or 135


Chat: Facebook Messenger @UrbanLeagueHCnj Google hangout @NJInsured

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


HAVE the following ready (for all household members):

  • Social Security Numbers (or document number for legal immigrants)
    • Birth Dates
    • Employer and income information (for example, pay stubs or W-2 forms)
    • Policy numbers for any health insurance plans for your household


  1. You can enroll if you qualify for NJ FAMILY CARE

Do you qualify for NJ FAMILY CARE?

Are you between the ages of 19-64 years old?

Do you meet the following Income guidelines?

NJ FamilyCare covers: children, pregnant women, parents/caretaker relatives, and single adults/childless couples.

  • Children 18 and under are eligible with higher incomes up to 355% FPL ($7,751/month for a family of four). Parents still need to renew the coverage each year.
  • Parents/Caretaker Relatives with income up to 138% FPL ($3,013/month for a family of four) must have tax dependent children in their household in order to be eligible under this category. Dependent children in the household must be insured also.
  • Adults without dependent children among ages 19-64 with incomes up to 138% FPL ($1,468/month for a single person and $1,983/month for a couple).
  • Pregnant Women up to 205% FPL ($4,476/month for a family of four).

Financial eligibility for individuals seeking eligibility for NJ FamilyCare will be based on their Modified Adjusted Gross Income or MAGI. This means the income and household size will be determined by their latest federal tax return which when filed, can be electronically verified. The tax-based household size provides a simplified income calculation.

NJ Family Care Health Plan Options

NJ Family Care Income Guidelines (Wyatt- If we cannot use the income chart image above)

NEED APPLICATION ASSISTANCE? One of our Certified Application Counselors can work with you to answer your questions and guide you through the application process.

To schedule an appointment or speak with a trained Healthcare Navigator

Call:    201-451-8888 ext 196 or 135


Chat: Facebook Messenger @UrbanLeagueHCnj Google hangout @NJInsured

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


HAVE the following ready (for all household members):

  • Social Security Numbers (or document number for legal immigrants)
    • Birth Dates
    • Employer and income information (for example, pay stubs or W-2 forms)
    • Policy numbers for any health insurance plans for your household


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in person enrollment sites have been temporarily put on hiatus. In-person events will be rescheduled in accordance with CDC and State guidelines.  Please check back regularly for updates.  In the interim, our program is fully operational, and Navigators are available to assist you.

Urban League of Hudson County’s Navigator Program is funded by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.




NJ HELPS (1-stop site to apply for services)

Reach NJ (24/7 addiction help)